Basketball with Miles
Today we are focusing on chest pass. We were put into buddies and we practised our passing. Each time we started our passing practise we needed to be in our basketball stance:
Knees bent
Feet apart
Back straight
Hands ready
To do a successful chest pass you need to:
Have your hands by your chest
Hold the ball with two hands. Your thumbs should be up 👍
Step 1 step forward
Push the ball to your partners chest. Your hands need to follow through and your thumbs will end up down 👎
Bounce pass:
Have your hands by your chest
Hold the ball with two hands. Your thumbs should be up 👍
Step 1 step forward
Push the ball from your chest to the ground by your buddy. Your hands need to follow through and your thumbs will end up down 👎

Eyes up
Dribble with our fingers NOT our palms
Dribble up to our knees